Imagine a journey that takes you beyond the boundaries of ordinary reality, where the mind transcends everyday perceptions and explores the depths of consciousness. Psychedelic trips have captivated individuals for centuries, igniting curiosity about the enigmatic workings of the mind. In recent decades, researchers and scientists have begun to unlock the mechanisms underlying these experiences. In this article, we delve into the revolutionary scientific framework known as 5D-ASC (Five-Dimensional Altered States of Consciousness) that allows for the measurement and comparison of psychedelic trips, enabling new insights and discoveries in this field. 

Understanding the Basics of 5D-ASC:

The acronym 5D-ASC refers to Five-Dimensional Altered States of Consciousness. This framework offers researchers a powerful tool for analyzing and quantifying subjective experiences encountered during psychedelic journeys. Through careful development and empirical testing, 5D-ASC has emerged as a reliable means to gauge and compare different facets of altered states.

The Five Dimensions Explored in 5D-ASC:

Central to understanding 5D-ASC is a comprehension of its five main dimensions that encompass the various aspects manifested during psychedelic trips:

1. Unity/Transcendence:

The unity/transcendence dimension refers to a profound sense of interconnectedness with everything within and beyond oneself. It captures experiences like merging with nature, feeling an expanded self-awareness, or dissolving individual boundaries.

2. Spiritual Experience:

This dimension encompasses transcendental encounters with spiritual or numinous realms. Participants may report encounters with religious or archetypal figures, deep insights into the nature of existence, or encounters with transcendental forces.

3. Blissful State:

The blissful state captures intense positive emotions observed during psychedelic experiences. It encompasses sensations such as ecstatic joy, feelings of love, and profound happiness.

4. Insightfulness:

Indicative of expanded cognitive abilities, this dimension encapsulates introspective queries, increased self-awareness, and new perspectives on life’s complexities gained during psychedelic sessions.

5. Disembodiment:

The disembodiment dimension entails experiences of detachment from one's physical body. This dimension reflects sensations like floating or dissociative states that occur during psychedelic trips.

Advantages of Using 5D-ASC Measurement:

Quantifying subjective experiences poses immense challenges within the realm of consciousness research. The utilization of 5D-ASC offers the following advantages:

  • Rigorous Methodology: 5D-ASC provides a rigorous and unified methodology to assess elusive aspects of altered states, aiding in the reliable measurement and comparison of various experiences across studies.
  • Objectivity Amidst Subjectivity: By employing well-defined rating scales and standardized questionnaires, researchers can capture and describe subjective elements objectively within the framework of 5D-ASC.
  • Optimization of Therapeutic Intervention: Valid and reliable measurements allow researchers to identify patterns and correlations between psychedelic experiences and the therapeutic potential of certain compounds more accurately.

Case Studies and Results:

Several landmark scientific studies have utilized the 5D-ASC measurement framework, contributing to our understanding of consciousness-altering states.

Rainer Kraehenmann et al. (2017), investigated the resemblance of dream-like mental imagery induced by LSD during wakefulness and its connection to altered consciousness, using the Altered State of Consciousness (5D-ASC) questionnaire to assess changes in consciousness. The findings indicated that LSD-triggered dream-like imagery correlated with altered self-boundaries and cognitive control, primarily through 5-HT2A receptor activation, and these effects were captured by the 5D-ASC questionnaire.

Researchers Guy M. Goodwin et al. (2022) employed 5D-ASC as they studied the effects of dose-dependent acute subjective psychedelic experiences resulting from COMP360 psilocybin administration in three clinical studies. The studies aimed to understand the relationship between these effects and the therapeutic response in treating treatment-resistant depression. The researchers developed and used the Five-Dimensional Altered States of Consciousness (5D-ASC) questionnaire to assess the subjective psychedelic experience and the Emotional Breakthrough Inventory (EBI) to evaluate emotional experiences. They also compared the results of the different doses of COMP360 across the studies.

Implications for Future Research:

Within being just a measurement tool, the 5D-ASC framework holds significant implications for future psychedelic and consciousness research. Here are a few noteworthy points:

  • Enhanced Understanding of Mind-Altering States: Correlating specific dimensions with molecular analyses, neuroimaging, or other objective measures can lead to enhanced comprehension of the underlying neurobiology and psychology of these states.
  • Therapeutic Potential Refinement: Continued utilization and development of the 5D-ASC framework allow for improved prediction and control over the therapeutic potential of specific psychedelic compounds.
  • Cultivating Transformative Experiences: Employing 5D-ASC parameters may facilitate well-informed guidance for individuals seeking transformative experiences while ensuring mental well-being.


The emergence of the 5D-ASC framework showcases the progressive approach being undertaken within psychedelic research. Through quantifying the ineffable, this groundbreaking tool advances our ability to measure and compare subjective experiences consistently in controlled scientific environments. By supporting conscientious research on consciousness through frameworks like 5D-ASC, we can contribute to promoting mental hygiene and deepen our exploration of the intricate tapestry woven by psychedelics within the canvas of the human mind.


August 17, 2023 — Tyler Ozkan